While your idea of fun probably isn’t cleaning out the garage, closets, and kitchen all weekend spring cleaning, as the weather warms up, can be shockingly refreshing. Not to mention, you could also make some money in the process and find some cool stuff.
Did you know 78% of people get into spring cleaning every single year while 7% have admitted to never doing spring cleaning? Closets, bedrooms, and kitchens were some of the most popular rooms to start in according to that survey, with the home office following closely behind.
“It’s hard to get motivated and get started,” said one expert. If it’s been on your to-do list you would probably agree with that statement, but what if you could get paid for getting up and starting that spring-cleaning ritual?
Here are five tips to help you get motivated, and could help you make a little extra money for the effort:
- Make a “yard sale” pile: It is officially yard sale season. There is no better time than now to pop open your foldable table and start throwing all the stuff you don’t want onto it for your neighborhood’s annual yard sale. Others will find value in your old glasses, video games, and decorations. You may not rake in $1,000, but even an extra $100 is a win. Here are some of the most popular yard sale items:
- Kitchenware and dishes
- Gently used clothes (the trendier the better)
- Tools
- Old furniture
- Games, DVD’s and books
- Exercise equipment
- Televisions
- Donate what’s left: Whatever you don’t sell at your yard sale, load up the car and head to Goodwill or other local charitable organization and donate whatever is leftover. You’ll not only donate to a good cause, but there may also be tax benefits to donating used goods. Spring cleaning does wonders for clearing your mind and your space but can also help someone else out! The tax write-off won’t be a game-changer, but every little bit adds up in the end!
- Sell your textbooks: If you’re a recent college grad, think about selling your used textbooks on Amazon or websites like Book Scouter. It may be tough to just get rid of a book that you recently paid $300 for, but what are the chances you’ll be using that book again? Be sure to analyze if the hassle is worth the money as some textbooks are worth more than others. Remember, like the yard sale a few extra bucks for spending or saving is better than nothing!
- Set aside items of value: Things like electronics, rare collectibles, jewelry, and nice clothes can go into separate piles aside from your yard sale pile. These higher-value items might be worth selling online instead of the yard sale. If you have an old Apple Watch, iPhone, or collector’s items that you don’t want, see how much they go for online!
- Hunt for coins and gift cards: If you added up all the nickels, dimes, and quarters you found around the house during spring cleaning you may be rich! The average person finds $8 in coins and cash during spring cleaning. Check those pockets and cushions! It may not be much but that $8 is good for at least one Chipotle chicken bowl. And don’t forget about gift cards. Check the balances before you toss them, so you don’t lose out on the value.
Thinking about spring cleaning can be overwhelming. If you start with just one room, you’ll feel some accomplishment and might even move on to a second, third, or fourth room when you’re done!