A firm financial future starts with saving money for a rainy day. You don’t have to save much, but it never hurts to have some cash set aside for life’s little unexpected emergencies. Whether you’ve already started a savings account, need help planning for retirement or just choosing the right checking account, Palmetto First has what you need.
Finally, a checking account that works together with your debit card, online banking, and mobile app to help you manage your spending and save more money. You’ll also have access to over 30,000 ATMS nationwide. We’ll help you choose the checking account that fits you the best.
- Palmetto Checking
- Palmetto Silver Checking
- Money Market Checking
- My Life Youth Accounts
- Same Day Debit Replacement
Instant Issue is Here!
What’s worse than losing your debit card? Waiting for days, even weeks, to get it replaced. We know how real that frustration is and we are here to help you sidestep this typically tedious and drawn-out process.
If you lose your card and need an immediate replacement, stop by a branch. We can replace your card on the spot and have you back to your usual spending in no time.
Pop in with a problem. Walk out with a solution. That’s what we’re about.
See credit union for details.
NEW! Announcing the Palmetto First Round-Up Savings Program:
You can make savings easy by just “Rounding-Up” your debit card purchases. For example, if you purchase lunch at Roger’s BBQ and it comes to $12.50, we’ll round your purchase up to $13.00 even and add that extra $.50 to your designated savings account.
Stuff happens. Cars will break, medical bills will come in and money will be needed. Instead of swiping your credit card, we’ll help you start a savings account that will help you set aside a few bucks every month to prepare for the unexpected. We also offer special savings accounts to set aside money for Christmas, summer vacation, and retirement.
- Online Banking with Bill Pay
- Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)
- Share Savings
- Share Certificates
- Jumbo Savings
- Santa Club Savings
- Youth Accounts
- Courtesy Pay
Get More out of Your Online and Mobile Banking!
Enjoy an upgraded experience with Palmetto First’s online banking and mobile app! This upgrade helps to lay the groundwork for technological advances in the future. Here’s what you can expect:
- A brand new look with an easier-to-use layout.
Our Mobile App’s Features:
- Biometric login
- Ability to “hotcard” your debit card
- Set spending limits
- Access bill pay through the mobile app
- View check images through mobile app
Learn more about these changes with the easy-to-use tutorial videos below!
Online Banking
Mobile Banking